Wednesday, January 3, 2007

X-Mas/New Years Fallout '06/'07 Spectacular!!

So it's finally all over....praise our lord and saviour in hell! The Trip to Memphis on Christmas went pretty well. Roughly 13 hours each way in the car. And it was raining most of the trip down there. The highlight of the trip was Christmas Eve at Graceland.
I had been to Graceland once before about 6 months ago. This trip was much more enjoyable in the fact that there weren't that many people in the place. I would have figured it would be packed. I mean, there were only about 3 european tourists in the whole place. Last time I was there, I think they outnumbered the amount of men actually dressed as Elvis in some way.
Christmas itself was pretty good. I finally got a digital camera, a nice one. Thanks to Sarah. I got alot of other great things too. For some reason I got 2 different Monopoly games from my Father. It's kinda strange. One Monopoly game is kinda cool. 2 is just strange. Now that I think of it, I have never actually finished a Monopoly game. It takes forever.
On to New Years....
New Years Eve was pretty damn good. Got to see some friends that I don't see far often enough. But then my camera batteries died right after midnight. And a word of advice: Don't hang out in Carytown on NYE. That shit is crowded.Dave never looks comfortable