Monday, December 18, 2006

Only 4 more days till I can rest...

Well its been a little while since I posted a Bloggy-posty-message-thingy. The most important reason being that I have been working my fucking yule-tide ass off. I usually have saturday and sunday off, but with my money being sucked dry by the noel-flavored consumerism that is this time of year, I'm so flat broke I have to pull extra shifts just to make ends meet (and afford the Xbox 360 I am bound and determined to purchase for myself in January)
So needless to say I feel completely drained right now. All I have to do is get to Thursday and then I will have 6 days off in a row. But that feels like miles away right now. Then when I get back from the trip to Memphis, I have New Years which will be spent with the old UUHC crew. And then, the next weekend after that (January 6th and 7th) I'm supposed to go with Sarah to Chapel Hill Nc to visit her sister and see the new baby. My original plan for that weekend was to get the Xbos and spend the whole weekend just playing that and laying in bed, which will be much needed. But I guess I might have to wait until the next weekend. Ughh, I just need a break.
I tend to go back and forth right now between utter disgust at this whole damn holiday, and then being very happy that it's christmas time and all excited like I used to be. All I know for sure is that it will be a big relief when its all finally over.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

After going to the 24 hour Wal-Mart at 11pm on a Friday night, I am reassured that I hate people. Sarah and I decided that trying to get most of the last minute x-mas shopping out of the way at that time would be a good idea. And of course we were very wrong. Why is it that Wal-Mart seems to bring out the worst assholes out there? Not to mention the people that work there are the worst bottom feeding jerk-offs Iv'e ever seen. Needless to say I was ready to spend what was left of my money to buy one of those riffles they have in the sports section and start picking off people in blue vests one by one. You know it's a bad Wal-Mart when they don't eve have one of those old people greeting you at the door, just two armed police men with scowls on their faces. We were able to get almost everything we needed, but it was rough. X-mas is really trying my pateince this year. I'm trying, but I don't think I can take much more of this crap. Then again, I guess I bring alot of it on to myself.

Friday, December 8, 2006

One day to go....

After Saturday I give up. Seriously. Saturday is the last day that I will do any Christmas shopping. This is a promise I have made3 to myself. I feel like this year has been the most hectic when it comes to gifts, I feel like I have a shit-ton of people to buy for, more so then past years. And to make myself feel better I bought a pair of $8 sunglasses and a pair of $20 Misfits slip-on shoes (to be fair they are pretty fucking awesome shoes, with the cover of Die, Die, My Darling on them) but other than that, I haven't spent money on myself since early November. So tomorrow is my one last big push to get it all finished. Sarah and I will be hitting Target at the crack of fucking dawn, and then most likely the mall, trying to get through it all before the masses converge and drive us to start hacking at peoples heads like they were a zombie attacking.
Hell, I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but I only get to enjoy it for the few days that I get off work and don't have to worry about traveling or buying shit. And within the next two weeks I will be working about 140 hours to make up for all this insane spending I'm having to do. Not to mention the fact that I have to pay rent and bills, and buy a pack of smokes to keep my stress level down. So one Saturday left, then it's time for the home stretch (and a 12 hour drive to Memphis on the 21st) oh lord....

Thursday, December 7, 2006

How to Appreciate Death Metal

While most people associate death metal music with a bunch of guys grunting and slapping detuned guitars randomly, there's a multitude of reasons why this genre maintains a strong following and earns the fierce loyalty of many listeners worldwide. If you're curious about death metal, here's you're chance to learn, appreciate, listen, and enjoy.

Listen beyond the crunching guitars and harsh singing. Although the rough guitar sound and grating vocals permeate all of death metal, it can take a little getting used to, especially if your ears are accustomed to softer sounds. Believe it or not, it's more than just noise...There are melodies, patterns, and complexities to be appreciated if you listen attentively enough.
Realize that playing and singing death metal requires enormous practice and skill. Even bass players, who don't do the complex leads and melodies associated with death metal guitar, cite to have practiced one piece of music for at least a full year just for a mere audition.

BehemothWatch a live death metal performance. Even if it's on a TV screen, observe how the group members manipulate the instruments. If you've ever tried to play those instruments yourself, you'll probably be amazed with how skillfully they play. It takes talent, practice, and dedication, which challenges the stereotype of metalheads being lazy and careless.
Remember that in death metal, unlike many other genres, each band almost always writes their own music. That includes the riffs, drums, solos, and lyrics. Writing your own music demonstrates another dimension of instrumental mastery and talent, as well as making the music more personal and less manufactured.
Understand the context and subject matter. Death metal lyrics and themes, while not to be taken literally, celebrate the outer extremes of human experience, such as the motivations of serial killers, the activities of the walking dead, death itself, and isolation. Death metal is less about generic anger and more about empathy for people who suffer from despair, isolation, and who possess an acute sense of unfair ostracism from society. Also, many bands will cover other topics not usually associated with death, such as mythology, religion, society, and even love.
Know the sub-genres. Not all death metal is the same. The genre contains many sub-genres that can frequenlty mix and intermingle with each other. As a result, it may be difficult to ascribe a band under a single sub-genre. Here's a general guideline to get you started:
Gore metal: Cannibal Corpse, Exhumed, Aborted, Cattle Decapitation
Goregrind: Terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Anal Bleeding, Gutteral Engorgement, XXX Maniak
Deathcore: Despised Icon, Job For a Cowboy, Beneath the Massacre, Waking the Cadaver
Grind: Phobia, Circle of Dead Children, Napalm Death, Rotten Sound
Technical: Ominous, Death, Gorguts, Atheist, Necrophagist
Melodic: Dissection (old), Dark Tranquility, In Flames (old), Sacrilege, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom
Brutal: Deicide, Malevolent Creation, Aborted, Deranged, Blood Red Throne, Dying Fetus, Decapitated, Suffocation
Respect the artists. The greatest death metalists almost can't make a living with what they do, and yet the musicians in these bands continue to soldier on in spite of their obscurity.

The genre "death metal" has been extensively separated and sub-categorized, so to label a band as simply "death metal" can be a little vague.
Keep in mind that all genres and sub-genres are under heated debate, so do not adhere to a single definition too seriously.

There are many negative generalizations surrounding death metal. If you're reading this article, you've probably ignored them thus far. If you become enamored with death metal, be prepared for more raised eyebrows and grimaces, and continue to ignore them.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Almost done with my x-mas shopping. just gotta get a few more things, and shell out some more cash to the consumer machine that is the holidays. I'm taking a half day from work today just to get it all done. Is this what Jesus would have wanted for his birthday? Oh wait that doesn't matter cause the dude is a big hoax!! I'm not even sure he exsisted. But whatever, I love his birthday, it and Halloween are my favorite holidays. Although if they gave out gifts for Halloween, then it would most likely leave X-mas in the dirt as my new all time favorite holiday. I guess you can consider candy and booze as a gift. I know I do.
I'm certainly starting to warm up to this blogging thing (still can't come up with a better name than "blog" but I'm working). 3 posts in two days. It's already getting out of control.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


You want to know what's wrong with kids these days? See the above picture for a great example. I found this at a KB Toys in the mall last weekend while Christmas shopping. It's for some Kareoke machine bullshit for kids. Now every 5 year old with a lisp can pretend that they are the next AMerican Idol or some shit. It makes me not want to bring kids into this world..

And so the shit-storm begins.....

I decided to start an actual blog outside of the usual ramblings and incoherent expletives that I usually spew on my myspace blog. Not that I actually thin that anyone will read this or give a shit about what I have to say. But really sometimes (like today) I get bored at work, and have nothing to do but write random shit on the computer, so I guess this is my way of keeping myself from writing hateful emails to my companies clients. And let me just get something straight before I begin: I HATE the word "blogosphere". So I want it known that I will not consider myself or any of my writings in here to be part of said "sphere-of-blogging". In fact I will try my best to not even refer to this as a "blog" (as usually the word conjures images of something my lungs would cough up when I used to smoke weed all the time). Maybe I will call it my "interlog" wait, that sounds wierd too. And I can't call it a diary cause that shit is for pussies (who am I kidding, I'm a pretty big pussy) Well I guess I will have to go without a name for my "online-place-to-write-what-happened-to-me-today-or-spew-hatred-at-some-random-occurance-or-person-thingy"......hmm I actually like the ring of that.
So please be sure to check this thing out occasionally if you feel like knowing what I'm up to. I promise it will be more entertaining in the future.