Monday, December 18, 2006

Only 4 more days till I can rest...

Well its been a little while since I posted a Bloggy-posty-message-thingy. The most important reason being that I have been working my fucking yule-tide ass off. I usually have saturday and sunday off, but with my money being sucked dry by the noel-flavored consumerism that is this time of year, I'm so flat broke I have to pull extra shifts just to make ends meet (and afford the Xbox 360 I am bound and determined to purchase for myself in January)
So needless to say I feel completely drained right now. All I have to do is get to Thursday and then I will have 6 days off in a row. But that feels like miles away right now. Then when I get back from the trip to Memphis, I have New Years which will be spent with the old UUHC crew. And then, the next weekend after that (January 6th and 7th) I'm supposed to go with Sarah to Chapel Hill Nc to visit her sister and see the new baby. My original plan for that weekend was to get the Xbos and spend the whole weekend just playing that and laying in bed, which will be much needed. But I guess I might have to wait until the next weekend. Ughh, I just need a break.
I tend to go back and forth right now between utter disgust at this whole damn holiday, and then being very happy that it's christmas time and all excited like I used to be. All I know for sure is that it will be a big relief when its all finally over.

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