Tuesday, December 5, 2006

And so the shit-storm begins.....

I decided to start an actual blog outside of the usual ramblings and incoherent expletives that I usually spew on my myspace blog. Not that I actually thin that anyone will read this or give a shit about what I have to say. But really sometimes (like today) I get bored at work, and have nothing to do but write random shit on the computer, so I guess this is my way of keeping myself from writing hateful emails to my companies clients. And let me just get something straight before I begin: I HATE the word "blogosphere". So I want it known that I will not consider myself or any of my writings in here to be part of said "sphere-of-blogging". In fact I will try my best to not even refer to this as a "blog" (as usually the word conjures images of something my lungs would cough up when I used to smoke weed all the time). Maybe I will call it my "interlog".....no wait, that sounds wierd too. And I can't call it a diary cause that shit is for pussies (who am I kidding, I'm a pretty big pussy) Well I guess I will have to go without a name for my "online-place-to-write-what-happened-to-me-today-or-spew-hatred-at-some-random-occurance-or-person-thingy"......hmm I actually like the ring of that.
So please be sure to check this thing out occasionally if you feel like knowing what I'm up to. I promise it will be more entertaining in the future.

1 comment:

videorose said...

you should call it your /ger-nal/ (a la Wet Hot American Summer)
you know you want to.
you should join breakdancinggodzilla.blogspot.com too!