Friday, December 8, 2006

One day to go....

After Saturday I give up. Seriously. Saturday is the last day that I will do any Christmas shopping. This is a promise I have made3 to myself. I feel like this year has been the most hectic when it comes to gifts, I feel like I have a shit-ton of people to buy for, more so then past years. And to make myself feel better I bought a pair of $8 sunglasses and a pair of $20 Misfits slip-on shoes (to be fair they are pretty fucking awesome shoes, with the cover of Die, Die, My Darling on them) but other than that, I haven't spent money on myself since early November. So tomorrow is my one last big push to get it all finished. Sarah and I will be hitting Target at the crack of fucking dawn, and then most likely the mall, trying to get through it all before the masses converge and drive us to start hacking at peoples heads like they were a zombie attacking.
Hell, I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but I only get to enjoy it for the few days that I get off work and don't have to worry about traveling or buying shit. And within the next two weeks I will be working about 140 hours to make up for all this insane spending I'm having to do. Not to mention the fact that I have to pay rent and bills, and buy a pack of smokes to keep my stress level down. So one Saturday left, then it's time for the home stretch (and a 12 hour drive to Memphis on the 21st) oh lord....

1 comment:

Dave Smooth said...

I've seen those shoes, and I have to say they are pretty awesome.